Rabu, 10 Maret 2010

The Legend of Ringo


Kira2 setahun setengah yg lepas, masa aku dok borak2 ngan awek2 pekerja kantin di SB, tetiba diaorg gunakan perkataan "POYO".

Trus aku tanya awek2 gossip tersebut.
"Ehh engkorang, POYO tu pekebende?"
Seperti di jangka, aku kene gelak pree.
"Ehh Abang Mangkuk tak tau ke Poyo tu pekebende? Tua gile lah abang mangkuk ni...bla..bla ketingalan zaman..bla...bla..."

Tak de hal !!
Aku tau dan sedar yg aku ni dah tua.
Tapi aku juga tau dan sedar aku ni masih HENSEM TIDAK TERPERI.
So, whateva.......

"Woi, bangang! Cakap la kat aku, "poyo" tu pekebende?", aku terus mendesak.

Akhirnya diorg explain kat aku poyo tu pekebende.........dgn berbelit2 dan putar alamnya. Sammy Vellu pon kalau dengar akan tanya budak2 pompuan pekerje SB tuh.
"..Deyy Minachi!! Tum mere Hindustani?"
" Can U put da sabtaitel ON plis ?".

Aku dah nak givap utk paham pekebende Poyo nih, sampailah aku terpikir..
"Wei! Cuba kau bagik contoh kat aku sapa poyo?", sebab kadang2 bila tgk contoh baru leh paham setengah2 sabjek tu.

Setelah terkedek2 pikir, akhirnya awek A kata,
"Hah Abg Mangkuk nak tau sapa poyo ekk? Abg Mangkuk kenal Ringgo dak? Budak Petronas tuh?"
Aku , "Kenal ! Apsal tak kenal plak. Naper?"
Awek A, trus paling ke Awek B.
" Ehh B, Ringgo tu kan, Poyo kan?"
B, trus, Ya Allah, dgn muka seronok giler sebab boleh ngumpat,
"Ha ahhhhh! Betullll!!! Ringgo tu mmg Poyo sangat-sangat!!!"

Aku terus berfikir sejenak. Selepas 3 saat terbayang muka Ringgo....
" Oooooo... ...Gitu ke Poyo tu? Baru aku pahammm!!"

Terima kasih Awek A, Awek B dan terima kasih Ringgo.


1. Yes, Ringgo is poyo. But his poyo-ness is a good kind of poyo. Dia tahu dia poyo. Dan dia tahu org kata dia poyo. And He never use his poyo-ity for bad causes.......ermm except when he is "sentencing" aweks (ayat la!!) or kutuking member.

2. One of the positive aspects of Poyo is confidence. Dan Ringgo cukup confident and competence bila aku mintak dia buat ape2 pon kat kedai. Takde hal. Dia juga cukup confiden yg muka dia hensem dan dialah the most eligible bachelor in Adeled. Itu adalh ayat yg sungguh "bajet" dari seorang jejaka yg bermuka senget bila tersenyum dan berkulit permanently "tidak putih sama sekali".

3. But I can deny, that he left a trail of heart-broken aweks whenever he went. From KYS, Intek and here in Adelde. I acknowledge that Ringgo may well be one of the best "pseudo-boyfriend" that any girl could asked for.

4. Why "pseudo-boyfriend"? Because confidence is not a character that is associated with his belief in love. He is a tragic romantic. He belief that any relationship must be a struggle so great that why bother bercintan bertahun2 tanpa kepastian yg cinta tu akan berakhir dgn perkahwinan. So, he never fully commit to a relationship. Biasa2 sudeh!

5. Thats totally opposite to my priciple. Although I agree that r/ship could be unpredictable and pain in the ass, but thats why U have to keep on fighting until U reach yr ultimate goal, which is marriage so we can romen-romen and got kids and romen some more until the end of time!

6. But after countless hours sparing with him on this issue, I have to admit that he got his own point of view and his logic is sound as well. What are his logics? Asked him yourself. Go "discover" Ringgo-logy.

7. Tulisan dlm post today aku sorokkan dgn mengunakan white font with white background. Aku hidekan saje je nak test sape korang yg pandai. Bukannya sebab aku nak ngumpat Ringgo, kerana..............

8. Before I wrote this entry, aku dah call dia, mintak consent nak kutuk dia. Aku dah britau dia dua point besar aku. Pertama "poyo" dan kedua his on-off "pseudo-boyfriend" status.

Regarding his poyoness, his response was, "Bodoh lah engkau.!!!."
Regarding his pseudo-boyfriend label, he said.......
"Aku ni sebenarnya charming. Aku charming la!"

Thats why, now and forever, the Legend of Ringgo will always linger in Swinging Bowl of Adelaide, as the one that define the word..........POYO.

Semoga di rahmati Allah bro
InsyaAllah kau akan berjaya in whatever u do, except to lost your weight.
Kalau kau kawin pastuh bercerai, aku akan datang dan sepak kepala engkau sebab kau bodoh!

Plis....Plis....Plis....Kamu Jangan Nakal !!!

Sekian, mekacey, wassalam.

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