Minggu, 10 Oktober 2010

Happy Birthday Princess of Swinging Bowl........


1. I am a male supremacist, chauvinistic, sexist fella, coming from all boys family.

2. Then on 11 October 2007, Allah gave a baby.......... GIRL!

3. WHATTT!!!
Abang dan Adik

Happy days....before the wars

Who's the boss?


KRU rulez

first step (lakonan semula)


butterworth bus stand 3am...

KB Mall...

muntah di lebuhraya timur-barat...

Pan-Pac KLIA golfchart..

A boy an a Lesbian in Vic Market Melbourne 1010.

anak2 terbiar layan Dora di belakang kedai...

Raya 2010. Ooo....I can see trouble ahead! Better get a gun license


1. Aku tau ramai yg tertanya2.."Ehh! Bukan baru 2-3 hari lepas birthday Muhammad kan?"

2. Yes. Muhd on 8 Oct dan Husna on 11 October.

3. TIDAK! Aku dan bini aku tidak beromen hanya di bulan Januari dan di sebelas bulan2 yg lain kami tidak hanya berpegang tangan dan mengdeklamasi sajak sambil menonton Titanic tiap2 malam.

4. Tetapi entah mengapa, aku lebih efficient di bulan January. Panas kot!

5. Lagi 3 bulan lagi January. Aku berharap boleh dapat sorang lagi anak yg kuar 9 october, pastuh next one 10 october plak insyaAllah. Pastu bini aku tutup kedai.

6. Maka terpaksalah aku bukak franchise yg lain taim tuh. October ada 31 hari bro. Anak baru 4 kan...
Moral of The Story

1. The way I see it, this is not a punishment for all the sexist remarks that I have and will say.

2. I think this is Allah's way to increase my knowledge about woman. Because now, I have a living breathing little girl that I can observe from kecik to besar. She is my experiment!

3. Tq Husna for making me a better sexist person in the future.

Sekian mekasey, wassalam.

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