Yeaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! Aku rasa mcam
nak demam2 ni. Bestnyer....Bestnyerrr....Cayalah!
2. Punyalah
dah lama aku tak demam, aku dah lupa rasa dia camner. Aku kene mengimbau kembali nostalgia silam aku utk recall what is demam. What is selsema?
3. Ni kisah pelik tapi benar. Dah dekat 2 tahun aku tak kene
"betul-betul" nyer demam/selsema. Sejak aku bukak kedai ni, aku memang tak pernah tutup kedai sebab aku demam or sakit. Aku tak pernah MC.
4. Sebelum ni aku konfirm akan kene demam selsema paling cikai
dua kali setahun. Mula2 dia akan start ngan
demam, pastuh s
elsema jernih/putih (viral) 4-5 hari, pastuh jadi selsema kuning/hijau (bacteria) seminggu gituh dan lastly
batuk2 selama sebulan paling koman. Aku akan batuk2 sampai takleh tido. Sampai
ilang2 suara. That was common for me.
5. Tapi sekarang nih, aku pon jadi konpius. Dah berapa kali satu famili aku KO kene selsema, tapi aku demam sehari gituh je, pastu trus orait. Selsema pon sehari dua je. Pastuh dah kering. Adakah
immune sistem aku menjadi semakin taff gagah perkasa semakin aku meningkat dewasa ini?
6. Padahal kerja aku memdedahkan aku kepada segala pesen manusia dari seluruh bandar Adelaide. Sepatutnya, akulah yg paling kerap kene selsema sebab banyak human contact.
7. Selaku seorang yg mempunyai scientific education, aku sedar walaupun biceps ku besar dan taff, ia tidak bermaksud
T-Cell or
B-Cell aku (lymphocytes) besar dan taff jugak.
Walaupun aku berwajah hensem sekalipun di mamah usia, kehenseman tidak mampu menyekat cleavage of the "selsema viral" haemoglutinin oleh proteases di badan kita, therefore initiate the infection
(ref). Tidak . Tidak sekali-kali. Cleavage tetek lain lah kan.
8. Adakah aku dah
immune kpd flu? Not possible. Everybody knows the antigenic shift and drift of the orthomyxoviridae family is a bitch.
Nobody is immune.

9. So mesti ada sebabnya kenape Allah takdirkan aku dah lama tak kene selsema nih.
10. Aku pernah cakap pasal hal ni kat geng2
doktor yg aku kenal, tapi diaorag kata aku mungkin tak kene demam selsema sebab aku kerje kuat, berpeluh2 gitu. Tapi secara logiknya klau gituh, askar, pemain bolasepak professional, buruh kontrak indon etc pon takkan kene selsema lah kalau gituh. Diaorang lagi teruk kerje berpeluh tiap2 ari.
Lagipun aku sejak pakai Lynx-Dry 24 hr anti-perspirant ni, aku dah kureng berpeluh dah.
11. I have my own personal theory. Aku suspect, this has something to do ngan memasak! Pergh! Biar betul kan?
12. Well firstly aku awal2 nak clarify yg
I am a sceptic. Which means, kau JANGAN nak kencing aku ngan bende2 merepek tentang medic ni KALAU KAU TAKDE BUKTI SCIENTIFIC YG KUKUH. Kukuh bermaksud statistical figure from INDEPENDENT STUDIES (note plural) that were published in respectable journals mcm Lancets, NEJM ke gituh. Bukannya kat
The New Iraqi Journal of Medicine ke, ataupun
Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Pública.13. So biler ada org dok promote bende2 merapu kat aku
(filter air boleh ubat segala jenis penyakit termasuklah kanser. Magnet. Kertas serap toksik badan bila letak kat tapak kaki, etc), polisi aku simple je. Fact Me or Fuck You. Gimme the hard facts man. Kalau main cakap jer, kau ulang2 ayat yg di pakai oleh "supervisor/fascilitator" kau masa seminar
"Camner nak jual this shit to stupid assholes", you can kiss my ass.
14. However, I have a soft spot for
(But not everything yg mangkuk aromatheraphy MLM dok claim di Malaysia tuh. Itu banyak KENCING). Based on my own experience, certain smells can invoke powerful emotional memories, hence can influence the mood. Macam bau kereta baru or cat rumah, makes me excited. Bau rumput selepas baru di potong, bau jalan tar yg panas selepas turun hujan sekejap, minyak cap kapak, kulit limau masa di koyakan, etc, masing2 mempunyai emotional memories triggered to it.
15. But only to that emotional aspcect. But,
can aromatheraphy be healing as well? Hmm. Last I checked, scientifically it is horseshit. Although there were some links, it were not persuasive enough to be accepted as a proper medical treatment.
16. But from my personal observation, dlm kes aku nih, aku notice dah berkali2 aku bangun pagi tuh rasa mcam nak demam2 gituh, badan lemah2, tapi aku paksa diri gi kerje/memasak gak. Suddenly sejam dua during the cooking aku rasa best balik! Masa aku kene selsema last time, sesepas kerje 2 hari, selsema aku trus gone.
17. Dan, aku notice gak, masa aku kene jangkitan demam ataupun selsema tu ialah masa aku
tak kerja ie masa aku cuti balik Malaysia, long weekend or weekend biasa cam arinih! The one and only jangkitan selsema aku sepanjang 2 tahun ni, ialah bila aku balik Malaysia seminggu last year. On the way balik, aku dah mula start terasa tak best.
18. My hypothesis is somehow
the smell from my cooking/spices, reduces the severity of the infection, or maybe even reduces the risk of the flu infection. It couldn't be the act of cooking, because ape lah ada sangat? Tak logik. Must be the smell.
19. But the questions are what smell? Which smell? Tumis ke? Kari ke? Bau bwang di hiris ke? Teh tarik nyer asap ker? I dont know, but it must be something from my kedai.
20. Why kedai? Sebab,
makcik2 dok masak gak ari2 kat rumah, tapi diaorg kene demam gak. Tapi makcik2 masak pesen lain drpd aku. Diaorang masak bende lain tiap ari. Kekadang tumis, kekadang rebus/stim/bakar etc. Kekadang tuh langsung tak masak. Satu lagik diaorang masak in SMALL quantities. In comparison, aku masak the same thing everyday, in bulk.
21. So I propose someone to do a
pilot study on this kalau berminat. Mungkin try to start with questionnaires among the cook/chef kat kedai/hotel di Malaysia, tengok how often and how severe diaorang nyer selsema compare to general population. Classify them according to what they cook. Indian food, Western, Melayu, etc.
22. Kalau significant, baru kita gerak ke
lab. Test kat tikus bau pekebende yg sebenarnya yg effective. Katakan contohnya bau kari lah katakan. Kita gerak to next stage, to identify which
component dlm aroma curry to yg sebenarnya memainkan peranan. And lastly, bila kita dah identified the component, kita boleh start Drug Testing phase plak.
23. Finally, 30-40 years from today, we have a new drugs,
"Swinging Bowl anti-flu aerosol". And after 20 years from the product launch, AKU dapat
Nobel Prize because mencetuskan idea yang berjaya once-and-for-all get rid of flu from this world. Aku sememangnya genius.
24. Adoi letihnya badan. Jom main bola?
Sekian, Mekasey, Wassalam