.....sebahagian drpd "my Valentine suck Ass" series......for MALE readers ONLY. 1 intro, 2 balak, 3 kurap , 4 bini, 5. cun
1. Itu ari, wa sulah celita pasal amoi yg ngam ngam soi untuk lu hangkat buat istili. Ini kali wa kena celita tintang apa itu yg amoi2 lookin for...for their hasben. Baru fair itu macam.
2. Ini topik, kalau lu worang gugel, lu worang akan jumpa 10 sifat, 30 sifat, 50 sifat (manyak camel-shit), .......macam2 TooPhat itu hamoi sullah post in their websites. Jikalau, lu worang baca, wa gelenti tau...wa gelenti.....lu worang akan muntah ijau.
3. Basically, simua sifat2 manyak2 itu fits only 2 persons only in this entire world maa. All the amoi want is.....er... are...
-One is itu Fahri from Alat-Alat Cinta. Itu Mas Fahri mimang banyak power alatan cinta dia maa. Dia simayang, lomantik, polite, ensem, ati manyak baik, innocent satu macam. Jadi simua amoi manyak shyok woo!!
-Two, is Eduard Kallen from TewaiLait. Ini a bit dark punya blader. Mistirius, langerous, rude, angry, violence and forbiden kind of love, wa told U. Ini macam scaly guy pon amoi manyak siyyok sibab he is also lomantik. Manyak pelik wa cakap lu! Sikijap galang. Sikijap jiwang. Aiyoo.
4. So, sikalang wa gerenti lu worang akan jadi manyak takuuutt! Aaiyoo! Manyak suwey la ini macam. Macam mana mau calli makan? Abis la lu worang tak kan dapat amoi sampai itu Tuhan panggil U.....Lai La!...Lai La!...Piati!...Masyuk ini kubur la Ah Pek!
5. Tapi sibinarnya lu worang jgn lisau2. Jgn jadi kilamkabut. Wa tau satu rahasia wanita yg seclet punya. Bukan itu Vittolia Seclet. Ini top seclet! Syhhhhhhh! This we keep seclet hokay blader!!
6. Ini worang pilimpuan, cakap manyak bising2. But in reality, they donno what they want la. They wish they can get the ensem but lomatik but religious but loyal punya hasben. But pusing sini, pusing sana, in the end, aikkkk.... lu kawin ini mcam punya laki pulak ka???
7. Life is funny la. When a girl fall in love, she felt for it all the way.
As long as u love them ............
a) They sulah tilak kila apa lu worang punya rupa...Lu can be botak, boncit, bau asam boi, pakai pagoda ngan silipar jipun tiap ari or zakal kicik. Lu tengok sendili, blapa manyak amoi kapel or kawin ngan hasben yg haiyooo.......tallak ada rupa ensem macam Chow Yong Fat or blader Mangkuk. Tengok itu latuk2 tua kawin sama altis-altis muda and hottt. Wa manyak jeles maa!
b) They also hakan bising2, but will still accept U even if U punya pirangai mcam Babi Utan (manyak siyol bikin kurma. Slurrpp!). Even if U minum, tikam nombor, Magnum, SportToto (woi..simalam apa nombor naik hah? Blitau gua! Gua mau checking). Smoking? Of course U can la. Even if u merogol, membunuh, mengedar dada pon amoi2 still loyal. Bilapa lamai wife wait for their hasben servicing their sentences now. Some waiting for life sentences. Manyak gilaa la ini wanita!
8. Amoi nowadays, if u ploject sana sini sama mistress or lain2 amoi, they don't care. As long as u kam home some days and lu bagi Linggit and Honda sama dia. As long as they remain the wife legally, they know if U die, they got all the money. Thats wai they dont care lah.
9. So, the amoi will love U no matter what ka?...
Not Really la. Close la. Only one limit, one line U don't kross. Lu worang kina pay attention now hokay. Are u paying attention now blader?
U can drink, gambel, do drugs, sex with amoi Ipoh mali, lape, kill ...anyting, ....BUT U should never, ever ASK for poligami. Don't even THINK about it.
Haiiyooo! Itu mimang manyak suweyy woo untuk wanita.
10. Kalau Lu "mintak", they will say "lantak lu, wa chow!!!".......and brooomm they go. Lu punya hanak and Honda pon dia angkat satu kali. Later on, their lawyer will kontek U , U know. Mau kasi angkat sama lu punya lumah pula. Itu lumah fengshui manyak kaw, itu istili mau klaim sikalang. Mana lu mau tido sikalang aaa. Lumah bo liau......kilita bo liau.
11. Aiyyo....manayak panjang ini cilita sudah. Anyway, this is all generalization wa cakap sama lu. Applicable for 70 % of amoi maybe. The other 30 % are mixture of saiko amoi, slutty amoi, independent amoi, high maintainance amoi, "educated wealthy amoi that don't need yr ass", etc.
12. So now U know the sekelet, U know what to do la. U must be the pirst one la, in the amoi's heart. Once u're inside, velly velly hard for her to let go. Macam itu kotoran degil pada baju. FAB ka, Breeze ka talak jalan. Lu pakai Klorox balu jalan.
Kalu lu jadi balak, mau pakai itu TNT atau itu nukelar bomb ballu kasi jalan.
13. Once you are inside, take care la. Jgn calli pasal. Tly to do the best la. No good la, if taking advantage of the women heart. Because they may not leave you, but they may cut your balls la. U never know when PMS kaming la blader.
14. If U got no balls,...... no sekend, third and four wives la. Aikk ??? Wa tau lu worang misti manyak pelik. Tadi wa cakap sama itu no 9: " never, ever ASK for poligami. Don't even THINK about it". Sikalang lain sullah.
15. Lu worang budak2 kicik punya. Wa sullah Master. Wa sullah Sifuu !!!
When U reach my level, Wa don't ask and Wa don't think about poligami.
Wa Just Do It (Confucions 2010) ........................

Sekian, mekasey, wassalam.
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