Kamis, 14 April 2011
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» Demi Allah, Aku Memang Nak Percaya Lelaki Dalam Video Seks Itu Adalah Anuar Ibrahim .
Demi Allah, Aku Memang Nak Percaya Lelaki Dalam Video Seks Itu Adalah Anuar Ibrahim .
The sex video teaser. You judge! .....Wow!....Hot amoi!
1. Aku memang tak suka Anuar Ibrahim. I hate him because dia fail sewaktu di dalam UMNO untuk mengembalikan UMNO ke landasan yg benar. Anuar Ibrahim memang la ada membawa elemen2 Islamic skit masa dia in power (which was good), akan tetapi at the same time dia cantas usaha2 PAS dan dia pon rembat duit kerajaan utk kroni2 dia macam tak hingat. Thats a fact.
2. And then after he was expelled from UMNO, instead of join PAS or buat parti sendiri yang benar2 berprinsip, he formed PKR. A shitty multi-cultural party that only have one objective. To make Anuar a PM. No wonder this party stinks to the heaven.
3. Crappy wakil rakyat, scandalous, corrupt, internal bickering and so on. We already got that shit. Its called BN. This party don't rely on strong leadership or principles. PKR relies on undi benci-UMNO dan undi kasihan. No way I'm gonna support Anuar as our PM if Pakatan Rakyat won the next general election.
4. There I said it !
5. So, bila BN alleged all those sexual things that Anuar Ibrahim buat, Wallahi, aku NAK PERCAYA.
6. Tapi, kita kenalah buat decision mengunakan akal, bukannya perasaan.
7. Everytime BN used this tactic, there will 4 categories of poeple.
Pertama: Orang yang akan trus percaya buta2 tanpa perlu tengok any shred evidence. Asalkan masuk berita je trus di terima macam hadith sahih.
Kedua: Orang yg trus tolak buta2 tanpa perlu tengok any shred evidence. Anuar tak bukak mulut lagi, dia dah siap hujah gini-gini knape itu bukan Anuar.
Ketiga: Orang yang langsung tak peduli. Fedap dengan politik.
Keempat: Orang2 hensem yang pakai kepala hotak!
8. Unfortunately, the majority is in the third group. The ignorant. Inilah yang UMNO suka. It is much easier to rule the ignorant. They just don't care. Senang. Macam jaga lembu. Lembu peduli hapa tuan dia sapa. Asalkan dia dapat makan tumput, sudah.
9. So tiap kali ade sexual allegation terhadap Anuar Ibrahim ni, tiap kalilah akan nampak jelas kepincanganya kpd org2 yg ada hotak. Kes 1998, tarikh sodom tu di tukar ntah brapa puluh kali masa dlm court sebab asyik kene taim Nuar gi obersea lah, kondominium tu tak buat lagi lah etc, sampai last2 kene buang kes by Federal court. Kes Saiful Bahari, 48 hours tak berak, doktor kata tiada penetrasi etc. So camner la aku nak caya? How? Please tell me HOW!
10. Dan kes sekarang ni. Those stupid idiots in UMNO never learn their lessons. Dulu kata gay, skang kata bisexual. Pastu dalam banyak2 pukimak dalam UMNO, anak Thamby gak yg kononya nak jadi hero. Rahim Thamby Chik grudges against Anuar is known by everybody okay. Anuar had politically assasinate him in 1994, and since then he had bent over backwards to do the same to Anwar. Buku "40 dalil mengapa Anwar tak boleh jadi PM" and the homosexual saga, stinks of Thamby.
11. Before I forgot dear Thamby. Datuk "T" is not called Datuk "Trio" brader. In sexual slang its called "Datuk Thresome".
12. So can Datuk Thresome please explain how Anwar Ibrahim boleh pegi beromen di hotel ngan pelacur tu? How stupid can Anwar be? Sapa tak kenal muka dia? Dah lah dia konon2nya pegi dgn Datuk Eskay yg muka pon SEBIJIK cam Anwar! Imagine, Anwar "kuasa dua", berjalan masuk lobi hotel. Sapa yg tak notice!
13. Can Datuk Thresome also explain, what the fuck is the tulisan Siam yg jelas ada kat bawah filem tu? Sesapa yg terer baca siam boleh tak translate skit. Kalaulah betul ni from hidden camera ala2 CCTV, why oh why ade "watermark" tulisan Siam? Ni kamera brand apa? Kalau aku beli kamera kat Golok pon takde automatik tertulis tulisan Siam kat bawah tu. Kalau ade date,time tu logik lah kan. Err...Datuk Eskay kan special envoy to Thailand ....... ring a bell anyone?
14. BUT, the guy's face in the filem does look like Anwar, I give you that. No, I don't believe that the video was doctored. Nampak tulen bang~! Anwar does need to prove that the guy wasn't him. Especially part perut buncit tuh.
15. Now lets go to the conspiracy zone. My theory, during 1998 fiasco (Anwar's sacking), pro-government and reformasi websites reported that there were videos circulating around that allegedly showed Anwar romen perempuan mana ntah. These were shown to numerous people in power (menteri, pegawai atasan kerajaan, polis, tentera etc), to gain thier support by proving that Anwar memang jahat kaki betina. But when DrM decided to press the homosexual charges, the videos suddenly dissapeared from the face of the earth.
16. People that have seen them, all said the same thing. "Muka sebijik cam Anwar, tapi rambut panjang dan perut BUNCIT".
17. So, was this buncit guy is the same buncit guy in the lastest video? Body double? Jeng...jeng...jeng! Bukan susah kan? Datuk Eskay pon dah cam Nuar dah kan?
18. But to be fair, if somebody looks like Anwar Ibrahim and kaki romen sana sini, mesti ramai orang kenal kan? Mana mau nyorok. Mesti ade orang yg sekolah sekali, berdangdut skali, yamseng skali etc.
19. But my dear readers, at the end of the day, even if it was really Anwar in the videos, do you thing that it matters?
20. The Chinese and Indians don't care who their leaders slept with. Tengok Chua Soi Lek pornstar MCA. Skang President of MCA lagi bro!
21. And the Malays will be Malays. Ada golongan yg percaya buta-buta, ada golongan yg still takkan percaya, ada golongan yang langsung tak peduli dan ada golongan orang2 hensem yang pakai kepala hotak.
22. Aku ....... adalah hensem.
Sekian, mekasey, wassalam.
p/s: UMNO propaganda machinery buat video ni. Lawak siol. Gempaq abes bro....Tabek!
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