...Lama gila aku delay tulis bende ni. The meeting with Datuk A Kadir Jasin happened a few days before the sex tape emerged. Unfortunately.
1. Pehhh! Kecoh jap nama aku masuk blog Datuk A Kadir Jasin. Gilos. And the words are too kind. Pengsan bapak aku kalau dia baca kot (Papa kelik sini The Scribe)
2. So hape citer nyer ni kan? Camner A Kadir Jasin boleh menabalkan aku menjadi lelaki Melayu Terakhir ni?
3. Well, that pagi, tetiba aku mendapat SMS drp Sayuti mintak buat perjumpaan ngan Datuk di kedai aku. Biasanya aku just brush-off je Datuk2 yg datang kedai ni. Tapi ni Datuk bukan sebarang Datuk. Ni Mak datuk punya Datuk! A Kadir Jasin bro..... A Kadir Jasin wa cakap lu!
4. Untuk yg bengap (majoriti ngkorang semua), tidak, dia bukan bekas pengetua MRSM Jasin. Dia juga bukan ADUN Jasin. Dan Jason Bourne tu bukan anak dia.
5. A Kadir Jasin ni adalah a living legend. Satu level ngan Mahathir, Nuar Berahim dan Daim. Legenda dia tercipta sewaktu krisis 1998 between Dr M dan Nuar. Di waktu itu dia adalh "Group Editor NST Sdn Bhd and Group Editor-in-Chief of NSTP Bhd". So dia in-charge jaga semua paper di bawah NSTP group seperti NSTP, Berita Harian, Metro, Malay Mail.

6. Cuba kau imagine jadi boss yg bertanggungjawap terhadap setiap patah perkataan yg masuk those mainstream papers masa time krisis Anuar dulu? On top of that, dia adalh kawan baik Anuar Ibrahim (meaning he was an Anuar supporter) for 15 years at that time. Imagine publishing something that will stab your friend/ex-boss in their heart? Imagine all the pressure from Dr M? Imagine the intense public hatred toward biased main-stream media reporting at that time? Thats not a job for a common man. This man definately got balls of steel.
7. But steel balls are heavy. So he quits in 2000 and become "Editor-in-Chief of magazine publishing company, Berita Publishing Sdn Bhd". Tak lama pass tuh dia ventured into blogs. Blog dia, The Scribe merupakan antara top blog di Malaysia yang membicarakan ttg soal politik, ekonomi, social etc. In short, heavy-stuff blog. Not softcore porn stuff macam Hanis Zalikha or Red Mummy atau hardcore porn macam Swinging Bowl.
"Please don't quote me on anything that may cause controversy".
9. So unfortunately I can only tell you here things that are NOT controversial at all. Such as when I asked him straight to his face,
" Datuk. Is Anuar Ibrahim a homosexual?"
10.Well, iIf there is any person on this universe apart from DrM, that knows the real answer, it will be him. He was/is number one reporter in Malaysia, commanding thousands of info-hungry journalist that reported to him any newsworthy facts (or fiction). Plus he was in Anwar's inner circle. He should knew everything. He should've seen something. If Anwar never hit on him, he should've felt hurt? Apa kurangnya daku....
11. Well, Datuk just burst into laughter bila dengar soalan pandai aku. He said,
"Well Azam. Even if you sell this shop and give all that money to me, I will not give you the answer."
12. Then he pointed my mistake, that Anwar was questioned about his "bisexuality", not just homosexuality. Oppss..Maaf datuk! Otak saya otak suci murni mana biasa dengan istilah2 seks ginih.
13. Then he said, " But it is well known to everybody that Anwar surrounds himself with beautiful people".
Aku trus tanya " Beautiful people? Male or female?"
Datuk tengok muka aku macam cikgu bahasa Ingeris yg nak melempang anak murid dia, "Beautiful People! That means male and female"
14. Maka sepantas kilat lah Saudara FakirFikir mencelah.....
"Jadi Datuk, kalau gitu, orang2 hensem cam saudara Azam ni boleh lah join skali kerje ngan Anwar?" sambil tunjuk kat aku. Cilaker.!!!!
15. Datuk gelak and said
"Boleh! Boleh! But......I think he is too....err... too macho for Anwar" sambil dia mengembangkan dada dia macam org macho.
16. Take that people! Quote this on your paper! Bukan aku yang cakap. But the no 1 journalist in Malaysia cakap! Your Headline ......
Sekian, mekasey, wassalam.
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